Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Waiting for Spring...

Dear Weather,
This sunny one day and snowing the next is really messing us up. Leighton can't quite understand why one we can go outside and play for awhile, and the next day it is "too cold" to be out for very long. What's a girl to do?? She is in love with being outside. (and learning to throw mini-tantrums when she can't) We're tired of being indoors. Please let spring come soon. Please.
Desperate Mom


Steph said... I agree! She is so cute!!
Can you believe she will soon be 2?? miss you guys!

frosty said...

I'm so happy you blogged!! I understand this weather thing...I'm with ya all the way! Take advantage of today...tomorrow is supposed to be stinky. Boo.

Erin said...

Completely agree! I miss you guys! I can't believe how big Miss Leila is getting! You guys should visit soon!

SARAH T. said...

it is about time you made a post. THe grass looks so sad. I am tired of it too and I am living in Provo. Shouldn't weather be warmer down here? Update more! I want more pics of your little girl.