went to see all the lights at Temple Square. It was beautiful (and freezing), but one of my favorite things to do.
bundled up Lei for the cold, but she loved all the lights and people...
were lucky enough to get tickets to the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional! It was amazing. I could listen to the choir sing christmas musice all year round...
have been shopping shopping (this day at Gateway)... How cute is she??
went to Arizona for Thanksgiving, and Leighton was thrilled to be carried, played with, and lead around by all of her cousins. They were so cute together. We had a blast with family and the warm weather ...
had it with a day of shopping. Leighton, Truman, and Addison passed out. The End.
Leighton started taking steps a few weeks ago, but in the last week she has really taken off. She loves being outside and could explore for hours. It's still crazy to see my little (and I mean little) girl WALKING...
Leighton is crawling, standing, climbing, rolling on EVERYTHING, will stand in one spot and balance
Still LOVES being outside! Going on walks, watching cars, just being outdoors
Wants to do anything involving water... swimming, bathtime, playing in the sink, turning the water on and off, spray bottles, fountains, ect.
Leila is eating a lot better... still not a huge fan of baby food... but enjoys mexican!! (aka.. quesadillas, beans & rice). Other favorites include cereal, yogurt, pasta, potatoes, bananas & snow cones
Saying "dada, mama, dog, bye-bye, & duck". Fascinated with dogs, and whenever we see one, she'll say "dog" for hours...
Takes vitamins & miralax once a day
Weaning from formula to whole milk... and from a bottle to sippy cups!
LOVES playing games, patt-a-cake (does all the actions), peek-a-boo, holds up finger to show she's "1", playing with balls, cell phones, keys, reading books, & dancing
Leighton's funniest habit right now is that she is crazy about the "Lagoon" commercial!! Whenever it comes on she'll stop whatever she's doing to watch! She's never interested in the tv... but no matter what she's doing she'll turn around and stop just for the length of the commercial! Even if we're in the other room.. if she hears the music.. she'll look around for it! (And yes... it comes on a LOT durning the summer!!) LOVE IT.
Hair is finally growing :) Can scrape together a tiny pony on top of her head!
She's wearing size 6 months in clothes.. and a size 3 diaper
Two bottom teeth are in... One top tooth is coming in...
She is the most amazing thing in my life. Leighton Bo has come soooo far over the past year and has truly been our miracle. When she was born at just 2 lbs 7 oz... people would comment on how she would be big and healthy in the years to come. That is what I have prayed for.. and that is where we are now.
I LOVE how Leighton's one year pictures turned out!! They are gorgeous (and I'm not just saying that because my little girl is in them!) We spent a fun evening in the gardens at BYU-I, and a big thanks to Cass & Tash for hauling around all the accessories! (and another thanks to Leila Bo for balancing so well on the wobbly chairs) All portraits are compliments of Cassie Jo Photos, and there are more on her site to enjoy :)
For Leighton's birthday we had an OWL theme ... "Guess Hoooo's Turning One". Thanks to everyone that could come! It made for such a special day. Looots of pictures to follow :)
Davis and I have been married for two years. We recently had our little miracle girl Leighton Bolynn. She is everything in our lives now, and I can't remember what we were so busy doing before we had her!